As I mentioned the other day, Kendi of KendiEveryday is doing another 30 for 30 challenge and has invited her fellow bloggers to join in. Basically, the 30 for 30 challenge is you pick 30 items from your closet (including shoes, but not including other accessories) and you can only wear those 30 items for 30 days. Another part of the challenge- NO SHOPPING for 30 days. I've been going back and forth about participating. I have been wanting to try it out ever since she did her last 30 for 30, but right now isn't really the best timing for me. I don't want to limit myself while I'm in New York having the experience of a lifetime, and I'm at a disadvantage because I didn't pack all of my accessories when I moved here. Plus, I really don't want to miss out on New York City shopping (I think I'm going to hit up Beacon's Closet for some vintage shopping next weekend-so excited!). But I'm not completely bowing out; I've decided I will be participating in the challenge as soon as I get back from the city, which will be the second week of August. By then, I will definitely need a shopping hiatus. Also, this challenge will give me a reason to keep posting when I get home, since life is much less exciting in Ohio. In the meantime, check out all the other bloggers that are participating over at KendiEveryday. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

(image courtesy of KendiEveryday)
Can't wait to see your remixing! Have fun in NYC!
xo, Kendi
I'll be doing the 30 for 30 remix too, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do!
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