Whoa boy, it's been a rough couple of days. I'm pretty much falling apart which means all of my blogging resolutions have gone out the window for the time being. So yes, the "forgotten five" has once again been forgotten. I swear, someday I will get around to getting that feature going again. Right now, I'm focusing on getting healthy. I've been having back pain for about a month now, and I found out yesterday I have
spondylolisthesis, a fancy way of saying displaced vertebrae, AKA a screwed up spine. The end of my week will be spent seeing back specialists and getting catscans and more x-rays done to figure out treatment. But no fear, I will hopefully still have regular outfit posts coming your way. Also, our fearless 30 for 30 leader,
Kendi, has once again announced another round of
30 for 30. I feel like I just finished
the last one, but I don't like to back down from a challenge. So yes, I'm in. And now that I've rambled enough about what's going on in my life, I'll give you what you really came for. Outfit pictures.

What I'm wearing: Forever 21 sequin jacket, J.Crew outlet tiered tank, H&M skinny pants, Target ankle booties, J.Crew bracelet
I wore this on Sunday night for sushi with friends. A big group of us went downtown to a restaurant called Sushi Rock. It was a pretty nice restaurant, which was a welcome change for us poor college students (it was reasonably priced, too!) I used the fancy restaurant as an excuse to wear the sequin jacket I bought for New Years Eve but didn't end up wearing. I also wore the J.Crew bracelet my parents bought me for Christmas. I wish this picture was better quality; it doesn't even begin to do it justice. You just can't go wrong with J.Crew jewelry! Hopefully this piece will be the first of many...
Girl, you look fabulous! I adore that jacket.
I love JCrew's jewelry! That bracelet is so cute!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
Runway Inspiration: Nicole Miller
Love that sequin jacket!! I'm sorry to hear about your spine... hopefully you'll be feeling good as new really soon :)
Aw, sorry to hear about the back issues! But this outfit is fabulous. Great bracelet too.
I'm so sorry to hear about you health issues! They can be scary, and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
And, I gotta tell you, JCrew's jewerly is how they lure me into their stores. It's always so sparkly and tempting.
Again, hope you're hanging in there.
Displaced vertebrae?! I'm glad you found out what it was so that you can get that taken care of!
I love the sparkly, sparkly in this post. I was just scrolling down to see everything that I've missed this week and it caught my eye. Love it!
The Auspicious Life
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