So although my blog has been quite neglected lately, I promise I'm still alive. This quarter has been incredibly hectic between classes, extracurriculars, and working 20+ hours a week. One of my New Years resolutions was to get back to regular outfit posting. Until that's possible, here's what's been up lately:

1. My spring break is booked!Plans to go to Florida with two girlfriends called for a trip to Target to get some new suits before all the good ones were gone.
2. Trying to get back into my workout routine. Project "spring break bod" started today!
3. I used some rare downtime last week to experiment with my nails. OPI's Pamplona Purple+Kardashian Collection for Nicole by OPI.
4. Still doing my best to live senior year to the fullest. Cheers to nights out with friends!
5. Consuming lots and lots of coffee. It's currently my first week of midterms, so sleep may be minimal.
6. All of the things I wish I was enjoying instead of studying. They'll be my reward when this week is over!